Two Wolves
Two Wolves, an urban drama in a dark world of secrets and intrigue, tells the story of special agent Artemis (Mykel Shannon Jenkins: Undisputed III, Bold And The Beautiful) who must escape his father's vengeful past in order to save his son's life. An obsessed Agent Decker will stop at nothing to find and bring to justice Artemis' father, Olivier (Ernest L. Thomas, What's Happening, Everybody Loves Chris), special agent turned ruthless rogue assassin.
Two Wolves Trailer
Two Wolves, an urban drama in a dark world of secrets and intrigue, tells the story of special agent Artemis (Mykel Shannon Jenkins: Undisputed III, Bold And The Beautiful) who must escape his father's vengeful past in order to save his son's life. An obsessed Agent Decker will stop at nothing to...
Two Wolves
Two Wolves, an urban drama in a dark world of secrets and intrigue, tells the story of special agent Artemis (Mykel Shannon Jenkins: Undisputed III, Bold And The Beautiful) who must escape his father's vengeful past in order to save his son's life. An obsessed Agent Decker will stop at nothing to...